Monday, March 19, 2012

Want to have some fun?? Try Tyson Tuesday Trivia!!

Here is a GREAT way to win prizes and Have fun!!

Tyson® and Sam's Club have teamed up to create Club Tyson® Tuesdays! Every week, contestants are allowed one entry and may enter a second time if they post to the Facebook page wall. Depending on the number of entries, the prize awarded could be an Xbox 360 or a 42” 3D LCD 1080p HDTV!

Go there NOW!!

Check out my page on Facebook! "Like" the page for great coupons, deals and scenarios at KRAZY COUPON CLUB


  1. Just stopped by to check this out.. I was sent by the Krazy Coupon Club!!

    1. Hi Tracie, Did you follow the link all the way over to Club Tyson? You just have to hit the NOW above to go there ;) I hope you get some fabulous prizes!!
