Friday, April 6, 2012

Dishonest or Mistake? You tell me....

Okay so I just have to say this because I think it is horrible.  Yesterday ..Some of you might have missed this but I posted a “Deal” on Nerf.  This turned out to be no good.  I removed the deal  as soon as I found out it was not good (I pulled and reviewed the coupon) I can not say if the Target coupon was any good because it is NLA. So I politely told the other page that it was not good and stated the reasons why it was not any good. Now, the other page has over 3000 members.  This is not the first time the page has done something wrong.  I’d need both hands to count, recently they told their page members to lie to CVS over a $4.00/$20.00 coupon. They posted one that was meant for them and they told their members to lie about it when it beeped to tell the casher it was sent to them L  I just thought being a newer page they were making mistakes. I have to be honest I have made a few myself, but I always straighten it out and would never intentionally tell anyone to MISUSE a coupon. Now back to why I am so upset.  I went over to their page to check what their response was…. Remember I told them in a very polite way. Instead of them correcting there mistake they erased my comment ...and they are still bragging about the deals they got pushing the wrong coupon and they are posting pictures of their haul!!! I am a VERY honest couponer and this really rubs me the wrong way. I feel like they are not making a mistake, but they are intentionally setting out to deceive their members and the stores L Tell me how you feel about this??

Check out my page on Facebook! "Like" the page for great coupons,
deals and scenarios at


  1. I feel that dishonest use of coupons hurts all real couponers out there.. I personally go out of my way to use them correctly.. Many people do not. Theres a woman here that copies coupons so she can have more.. states right on the coupon you cannot do that. You know the store doesnt get reimbursed so then the coupon regulations change and it effects all of us. Its going to happen we can only control ourselves and be suggestive to others.. not your fault they wont listen just keep on doing the right thing.

  2. I think what they're doing is ethically wrong, not to mention ILLEGAL. They're stealing. People like that are the reason couponing isn't allowed at some stores.
    Thank you for being ethical and doing the correct thing.

  3. That could get someone in trouble! =( Plus it makes it harder for the ones using the coupons honestly and correctly =( We already have a hard enough time with some stores and cashiers doing things right! But that is actually stealing in my opinion, because they are not using legitimate coupons =( We all make mistakes and I'd appreciate it if anyone told me I made one so I could correct it! "sigh" CVS is awesome using coupons the correct way! Hope they don't mess that up! =/

  4. It is bothersome that they seem to be teaching people to cheat, lie, and basically steal. Things like that are why so many places are so strict and unforgiving of coupons/couponers. Continued actions like that only make it harder for honest couponers that are judged and treated like the cheaters often enough.

  5. More than one page does this I catch it ALL the time.....i usually post comments but they make an excuse, something like they typed it up wrong or something......... The biggest I see is page owners telling people to use dollar/cents off competitors coupons at walmart .....that's not their policy their policy is only if a specific price is on the Q ... Common replies I get " well it goes thru!" Or if the cashier takes it not my problem , stuff like that.............. More disgusting than page owners making themselves look good on false info is teaching new couponers the dirty way to get a good deal..... So not necessary and in all reality, theft

  6. You did the right thing and they didn't. I would highly suggest unliking their page and never send any more traffic their way. Eventually they will be caught and punished for their actions. You could report them to the CIC if you're worried that they will continue to abuse coupons:

  7. I agree with the above commments. It is WRONG. Karma will get them. I would report them to CIC also. I know you don't want to say who they are but I sure hope I am NOT liking their page.

  8. Totally dishonest, they are telling their members to commit fraud! I would report them also. So many people have jumped into coupon blogging without having the knowledge or morals to do so and it is sad that people get duped into breaking the law.

  9. Yea, very dishonest. It is ppl like that who make it hard on every one else. I would report ASAP. PPl should not be able to succeed through dishonesty.

  10. This behavior make me livid. You could say that it was just a mistake until it's pointed out to them and they continue. That's just plain dishonesty. I get so frustrated because I try really hard to save money and be honest. When people are dishonest, it hurts us all. I think the cheaters are the reason the rest of us get a bad name.

  11. It's not just 'dishonest' it's ILLEGAL. I would warn your readers of this blog and report them to CIC. Couponing has become hard enough in the past year after the TLC show and the sheer amount of new people doing it. Don't give stores yet another reason to tighten their policies or stop accepting coupons altogether.

  12. I think that this site telling people to lie is just plain wrong. The whole point of this is to save money and find creative ways to use what you do have. The manufacturers do their best to provide savings, while also increasing their sales, but it seems to me that they will stop if people abuse them. And lying because someone tells you to is just wrong too....
    I guess the only action that would fall in their moral character was to delete your comment...sad sad. You have a good reason to be angry. Mistakes happen, hey that's life..but in the end, we are all responsible for consequences of our actions.
